22 Brandon Street, Moncton, NB, E1C 7E6 (506) 855-3800

Monday to Friday - 10am to 5pm Saturday - 10am to 3pm

email : fabric@nb.sympatico.ca

Sunday, August 11

100 Club

We received tons of questions about 100 Club from new quilters so here is the scoop:

Friday, August 16th is 100 Club sign up day.  Our doors open at 10:00am.  We will have 140 spots this year with an extra 20 spots for a draw for people who cannot come that day which will be drawn on Thursday August 15th and posted on our social media.  When the 140 spots are gone, we are sold out.  The Club fee is $20.00.

Once you join 100 Club, you can return anytime during the month of September to pick up your first fabric kit.  You take that kit home, cut and sew following the instructions for that month included in your kit.  Stop back in the shop anytime during the month of October and show us what you have sewn to receive your next section at no charge.  We continue along for six months until your entire top will be sewn together for only $20.00!

Just as a reminder, there are only two rules to 100 Club:

#1 - The only person that can pick up your kit is you.  When you sign up for this program, you agree that you will come visit our shop once a month for six months to pick up your kit.  So, we cannot pass your kit to friends, husbands, sisters, daughters, etc.

#2 - You pick up each kit each month.  When you sign up for this program, you agree that you will come visit our shop once a month for six months to pick up your kit.  So, we cannot pass you September and October’s kit in November, etc.

Looking forward to Friday - see you then!!!

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